Friday, December 31, 2010

Leveling a Protection Paladin- Bright Hub

How to Spec your World of Warcraft Protection Paladin to best level in Cataclysm is an oft asked question with the recent release of the new expansion. The cookie cutter Protection Paladin spec has we had all grown to love has been changed by Cataclysm. The best spec to level your new WoW Protection Paladin relies on a few new abilities. These abilities revolve around building and using Holy Power. Fear not though...

Read more: Protection Paladin Leveling Guide

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cataclysm Protection Paladin Reforge Priority

With the removal of Defense on Cataclysm gear, the new goal for your Protection Paladin is to reach 102.4% combined avoidance and mitigation. Though I do not believe this has been attained by anyone yet, here are the basics to get you started.

You want to reach 102.4% avoidance and mitigation by combining

  • 5% base chance to miss

  • % chance to parry

  • % chance to dodge

  • % chance to block

Stack parry rating up to 21.21% and dodge rating up to 21.6% (931 rating for both stats).   Dodge and parry are our most effective ratings up to this point.  After this reforge excess parry and dodge into mastery rating until you reach 102.4% combined avoidance and mitigation.  You can check your character sheet and add these yourself or use this easy macro in game for a periodic one-click check:
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combat table coverage. Currently at: "..string.format("%.2f", GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance() +5))

You want to reach your Expertise and Hit caps, which should come with gear (and by glyphing Seal of Truth).  Besides these you can follow 5 easy Reforging rules to start capping your Paladin avoidance and mitigation.

  1. Mastery + Dodge/Parry = perfect, don't touch

  2. Mastery + Hit/Exp = reforge Hit/Exp into Dodge/Parry, whichever is lower

  3. Mastery + Haste/Crit = same as #2, but you'll piss off the DPS rolling on it.

  4. Dodge + Parry = reforge more numerous stat into

  5. MasteryDodge/Parry + Hit/Exp = reforge Hit/Exp into Mastery

This should help you start getting your gear ready for 5 man regular and heroics.  Good hunting!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cataclysm Paladin Basics

How do I spec my new Protection Paladin in Cataclysm?  How do I spec my Protection Paladin for leveling? How do I tank low level instances in World of Warcraft?  Since these questions get asked on the official forums ten times a day, I figured I'd repost some of my answers here.

These are in response to the following:

  1. Good leveling spec?

  2. Most important stats while leveling?

  3. What is the rotation I should be using while soloing quests?

  4. What rotation should I use while tanking in dungeons in a group?

  5. What glyphs should I take first?

My response was posted on my main Paladin Grymdal:

For a detailed article on leveling a Protection Paladin
1. For leveling I'd go with something like this Paladin Spec with a couple of comments. The 1 point in Hallowed Ground will give you a mana reduction and allow you to use Consecration more often. I've placed two points in it before, removing one from Sacred Duty while leveling, but really my mana is fine with just 1 point in it. Divine Guardian is a great raiding tool, but not needed for leveling. I put two points in Improved Judgements because that is where I think the majority use them, I actually place my 2 points in Eye for an Eye, but that's personal preference. This again is for leveling and will adjust slightly at 85.

2. Stamina and Strength while leveling. You'll get pieces with other stats on them (Dodge, parry, crit, hit, expertise, ect) which are all fine, but Stamina and Strength are the main ones you're looking for while leveling. Just use the best quest reward or dungeon drop you have at the time, don't ever buy anything from the Auction House. Honestly leveling is so fast right now you'll be burning through equipment.

3. While leveling your rotation will be pretty basic. You try to build 3 Holy Power and then use it through Word of Glory(WoG) or Shield of the Righteous(SotR). So a simple leveling rotation will be something like this:

Pull with Avenger Shield(AS), or body pull.
Crusader Strike(CS)>Judgement>CS>AS (if its up) or Consecration/Holy Wrath (whatever is off cooldown)>CS>WoG (you're low on health or healer is low on mana) if not then SotR.

When you get Hammer of the Righteous use it in place of Crusader Strike when you have more than one target. At very low levels you won't have some of the abilities listed, just use whatever filler you have off cooldown in between your Crusader Strikes.

4. The rotation in a LFD group is really no different. You just have to learn to control the aggro on mobs. Learn to use your first taunt (Hand of Reckoning), Judgements and Avenger's Shield to grab mobs if you start to lose aggro on them. Once you're in your 20's it gets much easier, you'll have Consecration, Holy Wrath and Hammer of the Righteous (at level 29 if you spec for it) to help hold AoE aggro. Most of the time you can keep Retribution Aura up when on trash mobs for a little extra aggro, just remember to pop Devotion Aura for bosses to make your healer happy. Remember to keep Righteous Fury buff up also.

5. For your first seals I would go for a survivability set up. Taking Word of Glory for Prime, Lay on Hands for Major and Blessing of Kings for Minor. Though in all reality seals aren't going to make or break your game while leveling.

Lastly, if you've never played a tank before don't get discouraged. There is a lot of responsibility on your shoulders when in a group. Much harder than DPS at low level, who can just sit back and mash buttons. Getting kicked from a group will happen if you're learning, though most people are more understanding than that. Think you just had a group of !%%!s personally. I can tell you though that I love tanks, Paladins the most, though I play all of them.

Most of all have fun.