With the removal of Defense on Cataclysm gear, the new goal for your
Protection Paladin is to reach 102.4% combined avoidance and mitigation. Though I do not believe this has been attained by anyone yet, here are the basics to get you started.
You want to reach 102.4% avoidance and mitigation by combining
- 5% base chance to miss
- % chance to parry
- % chance to dodge
- % chance to block
Stack parry rating up to 21.21% and dodge rating up to 21.6% (931 rating for both stats). Dodge and parry are our most effective ratings up to this point. After this reforge excess parry and dodge into mastery rating until you reach 102.4% combined avoidance and mitigation. You can check your character sheet and add these yourself or use this easy macro in game for a periodic one-click check:
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combat table coverage. Currently at: "..string.format("%.2f", GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance() +5))
You want to reach your Expertise and Hit caps, which should come with gear (and by glyphing Seal of Truth). Besides these you can follow 5 easy Reforging rules to start capping your Paladin avoidance and mitigation.
- Mastery + Dodge/Parry = perfect, don't touch
- Mastery + Hit/Exp = reforge Hit/Exp into Dodge/Parry, whichever is lower
- Mastery + Haste/Crit = same as #2, but you'll piss off the DPS rolling on it.
- Dodge + Parry = reforge more numerous stat into
- MasteryDodge/Parry + Hit/Exp = reforge Hit/Exp into Mastery
This should help you start getting your gear ready for 5 man regular and heroics. Good hunting!