Friday, September 17, 2010

Choppa AoE guide

Where to grind (general info):

This is the same general info from my Chosen AoE guide, but it should be repeated here. For the best xp find a PQ filled with kill task mobs. If you can find them they should be your level or one higher, lower than that and you should be looking for a new spot. Caster mobs are nice to round up if you can pull them around a corner out of LoS to stack them. If they are melee then just make sure they don't stun/knockdown/disarm/etc. If you can't find a PQ/kill task spot, then just agood fast spawn of kill task mobs. If you can't find these then just a good concentrated spot of anything.

Basic Spec:

Dual Wield. Parry is your friend , the increase in damage from a two hander will not out weigh the lost 10% parry when it comes to AoE grinding.

Spec straight up the Wrecka tree. Get Longer and Stronger, Extra Choppin, and Get to Da Choppa (for some AoE CC when you need a breather).

Tactics:These are no brainers and pretty much cookie cutter by now, but here you go...
Longer & Stronger (heal tick) ( if you have a healer add in another damage tactic instead)
Extra Choppin' (up to nine targets for Lotsa)
Brute Force (added str)
Easy Killin' (Reduced AP cost when raged)


  • At low levels use the good 'ol body pull. At higher levels you can pull with your Frontal Cone dot.

  • At low level just spam Lotsa Choppin.

  • Don't bother using your using exhaustion attacks. You want to keep up your max damage, plus I believe it will stop your heal tick. As long as you are not over pulling the damage + heal outweigh the loss in armor.

  • Use you T1 shield morale every time it pops.

  • Use heal pots when you need to reduce downtime.

  • Use Thorn pots for the added damage.

  • Keep the mobs dotted, if the run they should die.

  • Run Hurtin Time, it deals good damage when AoE pulling and will enhance your kill speed.

  • Don't get greedy. If you over pull and die then you lose time and therefore efficiency.

  • AP regen gear or a guild standard with AP regen is always helpful if you have acess to them.

There is a lot of personal preference that can change this info. You may pick up certain skills depending on whether you are grinding straight thru or doing some RvR along the way. But this should give you the basics to get you started.

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