Friday, October 1, 2010

Chosen AoE Tanking

Wondering how the new changes will affect this guide, but so far it is an amazing farming spec. It will also allow you to off tank well and main tank some smaller jobs.

I have found Warhammer Chosen make quite good AoE tanks. You can start this around level 15. You can do it well in groups around level 20 once you receive your AoE taunt. At 25 it really starts to shine. I'll try to point out the best talents I've found at each level (15, 20, 25). This is as far as I've made it so far. I do this mainly in between Scenarios, AoE grinding PQ/Kill task mobs when I can for good XP.

It is important to take Apothecary and Scavenging as your skills. This will allow you to make Thorn Potions and HoT Potions. Use the highest level you can make at the time. Here is a good Google spreadsheet I found with recipe/formula info Apothecary. The Thorn potion should always be up. The HoT potions are just in case, I usually don't need them.

You will be stacking Toughness, Wounds, and Armor gear. You are not worried about Strength for your melee damage as we are more concerned with the mobs beating themselves to death on us.

As far as attacks I am usually lazy. I cycle through the targets reapplying Seeping Wound until they are dead. You can be more involved than this if you want.

My career points I went straight up the Corruption tree and am now bringing up Dread. I have no idea if this is a good idea at this point. It does increase the potency of most of the skills I use to AoE Tank. I guess we'll see.

Level 15
Tanking 3-4 melee mobs at a time
Warped Flesh.
This will proc constantly and absorb damage.
Shield Wall
Not a necessity, but can help offset all damage for 10 seconds while you pop a HoT potion.
Corrupting Wrath
Just run this toughness aura for now.

Level 20
Tanking 6-8 melee mobs at a time
Your new Tier 2 Morale ability (replaces Shield Wall). This will hit all mobs in front of you for 300 every second for 3 seconds. With alot beating on you its usable every 60 seconds.
Chaotic Advantage This is your 2nd career tactic until we change it in a few levels. Just helps to build action points as you will parry quite a bit.
You also have a few new abilities:
Blast Wave
More AoE Damage. Hit it every time it refreshes.
Corrupting Retribution
Your self HoT Aura to help keep you alive. Run this instead of your toughness aura, unless you like twisting. Ideally twist them both.
Only when grouped or to help solo pull. Your AoE taunt.

Level 25
Tanking 6-10 melee mobs at a time, maybe more
Dreadful Agony
This is your AoE damage aura. You should now be twisting it with Corrupting Retribution and Corrupting Wrath. At the minimum twist this with your heal Aura.
This will now fill your 2nd career tactic (replacing Chaotic Advantage) causing a DoT on any enemy that hits you. You can actually change this when you get it at 23.

Level 35-40
Tanking anywhere from 10-25 equal level mobs depending on type.
I've added these, buy it is more speculation at this point. Bane shield is an excellent source of AoE DPS, but I am not sure if Baneful Shielding is worth the Tactic slot.
Bane Shield
Baneful Shielding
These two together seem powerful.
I also like these as your 3rd and 4th Tactic slot:
Chaotic Advantage
Mixed Defenses
These two together should keep your Action Points almost full from parrying so much.

If anyone has ideas, comments, or experience with AoE tanking please leave your comments so I can try them out. I am by no means an expert. This is just info I have learned as I played around with AoE farming PQ xp in between scenarios. For some reason this play style intrigues me. Remember that melee mobs are easier. Ranged mobs can be a pain unless you have a spot to get out of Line of Sight, and can then pull them to you. Don't ask me why, but I enjoy making huge pulls and watching the damage numbers fly